Why Join the Kneeland Volunteer Fire Department..
When you become a Kneeland Volunteer Fireman you will gain personal satisfaction knowing you are giving back to your community in a way no other volunteer program can. Seventy percent of all firefighters in the United States are volunteers. Few jobs offer you the opportunity to save a life, but as a volunteer fireman you may be called upon to do just that. The men and women who volunteer with Kneeland Volunteer Fire share a common interest, the desire to help others in need. We responded to structure fires, wildland fires, vehicle accidents, medical aid calls and rescue related emergencies on call 24-7- 365. If you desire to help your community and consider respect and appreciation reward enough, then the volunteer firefighter program may be right for you. After all if we don’t do it….who will?
Because our job is so important, volunteers with Kneeland Fire are trained and equipped, at no cost to the volunteer. Each volunteer firefighter must commit to a two-year minimum enlistment, undergo standardized training and respond to emergencies as assigned. As a volunteer firefighter training never ends. Although most training is in house some training is done with other departments or offered thru HSU or College of the Redwoods such as EMT classes. Upon completion of a basic training and a probationary period our volunteers are fully equipped with protective firefighting gear and alerting pagers.

We Need Volunteers:
Firefighters with Kneeland Fire provide our rural community with fire protection and other emergency related responses without the cost associated with a full time, fully paid fire department. There is a growing need for additional volunteer firefighters due to the steady growth in population, new building construction in our community, and with the anticipated increase in the number of annual emergency calls.
The reason many volunteers are needed is because the volunteer firefighter program is exactly that; “volunteer”. Many volunteers hold full time jobs, careers and have a personal life. Being a volunteer fireman is an on-call, as available job. It is important that as many volunteers respond to emergency calls as possible for the safety of the responding firefighters, apparatus staffing requirements and for the success of the incident. As volunteers age, move away, seek careers elsewhere means we are continuously looking for new recruits. Having a full roster of firefighters willing to respond at all hours of the day or night is important to our community and paramount to sustain a well-staffed department.
Applications for Membership:
Applications are available by calling 707 442-3252 leave a message or e-mailing the Kneeland Board of Directors This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The Kneeland Volunteers firefighters are dedicated and trained to care for lives and property take the step and join now!
Show me a person willing to spend endless hours training,
And, I'll show you a Kneeland Volunteer Firefighter.
Show me a person willing to give their time to wash, wax and maintain fire apparatus and equipment,” the chores of pride”
And, I'll show you a Kneeland Volunteer Firefighter.
Show me a person whose family provides support, and spends endless hours waiting for their safe return,
And, I'll show you a Kneeland Volunteer Firefighter.
Show me a person who accepts the same risks and challenges as a paid firefighter but receives little recognition,
And, I'll show you a Kneeland Volunteer Firefighter.
Show me a person willing to risk a lot responding to the uncommon needs of others, And, I'll show you a Kneeland Volunteer Firefighter.
Show me a person who belongs to a brotherhood where a special bond exists, has a sincere dedication and respect for life, property and the well-being of all,
And I’ll show you a Kneeland Volunteer Firefighter.