Kneeland is a Firewise Community.

Since 2015 Kneeland has maintained our certification as a Firewise community. Why does this matter? This certification, and the Firewise activities we engage in help to better safeguard our community from catastrophic wildfire. In addition, you can save up to 10% on your premium if you are insured through the California FAIR plan. Help us help you – please take this brief survey and tell us which fire-safe activities you have engaged in so far this year: Kneeland Firewise 2024 Volunteer Activity. You can report vegetation and fuels you’ve removed from your property (or your neighbor’s property); report volunteer time related to fire safety; and report any expenses you incurred to improve the fire safety of your home, yard, etc. Every dollar and every action counts towards meeting our annual certification requirements!

There are many benefits of implementing wildfire mitigation concepts throughout the Kneeland/Maple Creek communities. The Firewise program educates and helps neighbors work together in reducing their wildfire risk. Helping residents take action and ownership in preparing and protecting their homes and community against the threat of wildfire. Kneeland Fire with the involvement of community members and the County of Humboldt has developed an action plan that guides our residential risk reduction activities, while engaging and encouraging neighbors to become active participants in building a safer place to live.
How Firewise Benefits the Kneeland community:
As many of you know, much of the Kneeland area is designated as having a “Very High Fire Hazard Severity”. Wildfires will happen-- exclusion is not a choice. The variables in a fire scenario are when the fire will occur, and where. Living in a rural, fire-prone area means that we each must take responsibility to become educated and to do our part for the prevention of fire and to make sure we are prepared for fire events. While fighting a fire is what our volunteer firefighters are trained to do, fire safety is everyone’s responsibility. Every Firewise community benefits in different ways.

Primary Benefits:
- Community conversations and Firewise documents create a framework for action
- Through Firewise activities, communities learn about wildfire
- Peace of Mind – communities have access to the best information available to reduce wildfire risk
- Community-Building – Coming together for Firewise work, it can help rally people to a common cause for the good of the neighborhood.
- Access to funding and assistance for fire safety work.
How community members can be involved
- Prepare your home for the risk of fire and be educated about ignition hazards and general fire safety – learn more at
- Support Kneeland Volunteer Fire Department. Consider joining the volunteer fire department, or send a donation to support training and involvement in the KVFD.
- Get involved – to learn more about KFPD Firewise activities contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
- For more information or if you have ideas for community Firewise projects contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.