Proposed 2024 Special Tax Ballot Initiative

For the first time in ten years, Kneeland Fire is approaching the community with a proposal for a revised special tax to fund emergency services in our response area. The proposed special tax is part of a broader strategy to formalize our response area and stabilize funding for Kneeland Fire. This will ensure that we are able to continue to provide the high-quality service our volunteers are known for including training standards on par with paid departments, rapid response times, and volunteers that are equipped with up-to-date safety and emergency response equipment.

Why Now?

The Humboldt County Fire Chiefs’ Association had historically committed a portion of their annual Measure Z grant funding to support our out-of-district response. These funds are no longer available to the District as of July, 2023. Additionally, a new special tax would provide for the following:

  • Ensure our volunteers have the equipment and training they need in the face of increasing costs and regulatory compliance requirements,
  • Pursue broader goals including expansion of the fire house to: make training and response more convenient and support the health and safety of firefighters; develop capacity for the fire house to act as an emergency response center; and to be a more multi-use community space.
  • Develop collaborations and secure more funding to support community implementation of fuels reduction and fire prevention activities,
  • Pursue other goals as outlined in our Strategic Plan.

What is the New Proposed Replacement Tax?

Kneeland Fire currently collects two separate taxes that were previously approved by the voters of the District: Measure D approved as a part of District formation in 1990; and Measure L, approved by the voters in 2014. These special taxes provide approximately $42,000 annually to the District. The new tax would simplify annual tax computations the District must calculate in order to submit to the County Auditor and would provide a tax schedule that better aligns with the ownership patterns across the entire response area.

Parcel Use Type

Current Tax

Proposed Tax

Unimproved / Vacant



TPZ Vacant






Contiguous unimproved under same ownership



Learn More

General Information about the proposed 2024 Special Tax ballot initiative

Comparison Table detailing the existing and proposed 2024 Special Tax

Resolution to request the Board of Supervisors include the Special Tax Ballot Initiative in the 2024 election.

Ordinance to adopt the new special tax should it be approved by the KFPD District voters.