Ways to serve your community and the Kneeland Fire District
Even if becoming a KFPD volunteer firefighter is not a good fit for you, there are many ways you can still help. Contact a Kneeland Fire board member 707-442-3252 or email board @kneelandfire.org. To find out how you can volunteer your special skills.
Direct to KFPD
To make a donation by mail, please send your contribution to:
Kneeland Fire Protection District
6201 Greenwood Heights Drive.
Kneeland, CA. 95549
Humboldt Area Foundation
Donations specific to the firehouse can be made to the KFPD Firehouse Trust Fund at the Humboldt Area Foundation, by credit card or by check:
Humboldt Area Foundation
373 Indianola Road
Bayside, CA 95524
The Kneeland Volunteer Fire Department is a non-profit 501 (C) 4 organization and all donations are tax deductible. If you would like to ear-mark your donation e.g., Fire House Project you may do so.
*Donations can also be made via PayPal although charges to the district will be applied.
Financial Support: Financial support from the community is used for:
- Purchasing fire and medical supplies.
- Fuel and equipment maintenance costs.
- Department workers comp. and liability insurance.
- Firefighter’s Personal protective gear.

- Working on a special fundraiser committee.
- Join our auxiliary to recruit new firefighters.
- Working on “Thank You” community events like ”BBQ’s” and “spaghetti feeds".
- Many new Firehouse Project opportunities.
- Providing refreshments to first responders during long incidents (this is often called rehabilitation service or “rehab” for short).
- Do you have “special” Skills like heavy equipment available?
- Special Heavy equipment maintenance skills.
- Helping with maintenance around fire station (mowing, weed control, etc.)
- Maybe a future board member
- Newsletter and mailings