KFPD Considering Annexation of our Goodwill Response Area

The KFPD is proposing to expand our boundary by annexing certain areas that we have historically been servicing with fire and emergency response on a “goodwill basis”. We call these “out of district” calls which span an area more than twice as large as the District itself.

Over the last few years we have received fiscal support from the Humboldt County Fire Chief’s Association using Measure Z and O funds to support our out-of-district response while a sustainable, long-term solution could be pursued. However, this was considered short-term gap funding and these funds will no longer be available after July, 2023.

In order for us to continue serving the population of these “out of district communities” property owners will be notified of the potential for annexation to our district. If annexation is approved, the KFPD’s existing special tax currently paid by in-district residents will be extended to property owners in the annexation area to help cover our operating expenses. The alternative would (conceivably) be to suspend goodwill firefighting and emergency services should the area not be annexed.

To find out if your property falls within the annexation area you can visit an interactive map at View Interactive Map.The District will be holding a special meeting to discuss the proposed annexation. All are welcome to attend.

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Special Meeting of the KFPD

Kneeland Elementary School

9313 Kneeland Road, Kneeland CA 95549

6:00 p.m., Thursday, November 17th


Questions? Please contact us:

Email: board@kneelandfire.org